Fully recyclable ‘Paper bottle project’, enters Avantium


The Paper Bottle Project is an innovation community joining some of the world’s leading players in
materials, design and technology. In 2015 the large brewery Carlsberg Group joined the Paper Bottle
Project, followed by leading brand owners such as cosmetics manufacturer L’Oréal, global spirits
company The Absolut Company, soft drink company Coca-Cola Europe and global coatings company
Teknos. The Paper Bottle Project now runs as its own business, name and brand – Paboco®, the Paper
Bottle Company.

The Paper Bottle is the first of its kind for beer, carbonated and still drinks, beauty products and more.
The Paper Bottle is using renewable paper to build strength and structure, supported by a barrier
solution being Avantium’s PEF. PEF is a 100% plant-based and recyclable polymer that can be applied
to an enormous range of applications, including packaging of soft drinks, water, alcoholic beverages
and fruit juices. PEF’s barrier and thermal properties are superior to conventional PET. In combination
with a significantly reduced carbon footprint, the added functionality gives PEF all the attributes to
become the next-generation polyester.

It is possible to fully recycle the Paper Bottle by separating the paper and PEF. By separation, each
layer becomes a mono-material returned to the recycling stream. Development work of the Paper Bottle
with the PEF layer is in progress. The focus will be on building experience with our Pioneer Brands, and
look to 2020 to start controlled testing.

“Participating in the Paper Bottle Project and collaborating with like-minded companies within the
Paboco Pioneer Community – from bottle manufacturers to consumer brands – on developing new
sustainable packaging material is a great opportunity for Avantium. It is a milestone in the development
of high-value applications such as specialty bottles. The Paper Bottle shows how we, together with
partners, can use innovation to help shape packaging for a circular and sustainable future,” says Marcel
Lubben, Managing Director Avantium Renewable Polymers.

For more information visit: Avantium.com

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